Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Afraid to let go

Afraid to let go
of what you gave me.
New life.

Who knew that those things
would come at a price?

That along with security
there would be danger;
along with love
there would be hate;
and with new life
there would be destruction.

I need help.
I can no longer be
afraid to let go.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Writing Careers

Being an English major is no easy thing. When I tell people that it is my area of study, the first thing that they ask me is if I want to be a teacher. Is that all there is? Is that all people think about when they think of an English major? Not knocking teachers, but that is just something that I don't feel that I want to do right out of school. I want to write and explore the world, and then come back to the states and be that English professor that every student wants to take. I'm not sure what writing path that I want to take just yet. I've thought about film/TV-writing, editing for a magazine, or being a food critic. I'm so scattered brain that as of now I'm just going to take the LSAT this spring to keep my options open. I'll let you know how it goes... :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Some days I feel like I'm going crazy! I don't know why or what for...but there are just those times when my brain frizzes and I have to shake away the madness that invades it. Maybe it's stress from school or the disappointment in not finding an internship...I don't know...but I'm sure as hell gonna figure it out.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Search for Sistahood

I was looking for a Greek sista
with whom I could share my beliefs.
I was looking for a Greek sista
who was just like me.

I didn't know if I was meant
to create change with the Deltas,
the ladies of crimson and cream,

or just rock out as the first
with the women of AKA,
who strut in pink and green.

Then I heard there were those
who were called Zetas,
sistas of pure white and royal blue,

and the women of S-G-Rho,
who rock gold instead of pure white
with their royal blue.

I was looking for a Greek sista
with whom I could share my beliefs.
I was looking for a Greek sista,
but I what I found was just ME.

Pierce my skin

Pierce my skin
but not my soul.
Take everything
that means nothing,
but take nothing
that means everything.

My hips,
my thighs,
my legs.
They are nothing without my soul.

So leave me with
no breath,
no blood,
no scent, no taste, no sight.

But my voice will never die
It will forever live
as long as I have my soul.

Sometimes love isn't always

Sometimes love isn't always
about marshmallows and cocoa.

Sometimes love isn't always
about sunshines and rainbows.

Love is waking up and finding
yourself wrapped inside
no judgment,
and security.

Love is being vulnerable.
It is telling a story from a chapter
that is now colsed
and trusting that
the listener will appreciate
the delicacy of its words,
the beauty of its structure,
and the intensity of its emotion.

Love is always letting go,
but never giving up.

It was the strength of your arms
as you held me at night,
and the look in your eyes
as I told you my story,
that made me realize that
marshmallows and sunshines,
that cocoa and rainbows,
isn't all there is.

Thank you.
Thank you for teaching me
the difference from
sometimes love and always love.
I haven't put up a new post in almost 4 days! Shame on me! But just because I haven't put up any new blog posts, that doesn't mean that I haven't written any new material.  So what you'll be reading in the next few posts is some creative vomit that I have waited to hack up until now.  Not having internet access at home REALLY sucks, so maybe I'll try to fix that before the end of the year! I know you all missed me so enjoy! :)